Welcome to Al-Ahlia
Al Ahlia projects division has executed a large offshore water injection system in the Gulf of Suez area on EPC basis and currently offers oil companies its experience in design, fabrication and installation of such systems.
Representative of :
Daniel Flow Products, a division of Emerson Process Managment. TransCanada Calibrations, Inc. Sivalls, Inc. Nowata, Inc. R&M Energy Systems.
Al Ahlia supplies all required equipments and spare parts to facilitate oil production to Egyptian Petroleum companies such as: Gupco, Khalda, Agiba, Oasis. Specialized equipment range from three phase separators to triplex and quintiplex high pressure pumps to downhole jet pumps. We provide services such as Early production, well testing and artificial lift services. These services are executed by highly skilled engineers and technicians supported by oil field experienced management.
The Company is marketing products of renown companies in the oil and power sectors, the attached list of principal companies represented by Al Ahlia in Egypt and parts of Middle East.
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The company is handling on EPC basis projects related to oil field development and currently in association with Engineered Pipeline Systems. EPS is executing on EPC basis an offshore water injection project for Agiba Petroleum Company.
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Ashrafi Water Injection Project
Al Ahlia is the main contractor for this “Ashrafi Water Injection Project” with EPS (Engineered Pipeline Systems) being a sub-contractor. This project is designed to filter, deaerate and chemically treat raw seawater and then provide suitable pressure for injection into the sub-sea formation for the purpose of maintaining reservoir pressure. Operating experience may modify some of the procedures.
Chemical Treatment
Experience of other operators in the area has shown that hypochlorite treatment of the seawater to kill algae as well as deoxygenation of the seawater is sufficient to reduce internal corrosion. Experience of other similar projects is documented.Continual monitoring of the system with both coupons and linear polarization resistance (LPR) probes will indicate if additional corrosion protection is necessary.

Electrical Power
The Caterpillar G3306EPG 80 kw generators will provide electric power for the lift pumps, PLC, controls, actuated valves and telemetry. One generator will provide sufficient power to operate one lift pump, and all ancillary electrical components of the facility. An automatic switching device will allow the second (standby) generator to come on line, should a failure of the first (primary) generator occur. This transfer should occur in 30 seconds or less. Company personnel will be able to designate which generator will be primary and which is standby. It is recommended that this function be alternated between generators on a monthly basis. The PLC and telemetry will include an UPS (uninterruptible power supply), which will enable communication to the company in the event of total generator failure.
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Get In Touch
Headquarters Address
13 Mahdy Abdel Monem St.
Nasr City, Cairo,Egypt
Telephone: (202) 262-6434
Fax: (202) 263-6649
Email: alahlia@al-ahlia.com